

Why are Russia, Turkey and China interested in Montenegro?

Jovana Marovic


Jovana Marovic In recent years, Montenegro has become an arena of influence and interest of a number of non-Western actors, primarily Russia, China and Turkey, and their political influence, albeit not weak, is still under control. Foreign investments are generally...

After the June elections in Serbia – Is anyone satisfied after 21 June 2020?


Slagjana Komatina Following the June elections, the ruling Serbian Progressive Party has reason to be somewhat dissatisfied with the epilogue of this election cycle. The fact that there is no “real” opposition in the Parliament is something that will surely...

How are the Republic of North Macedonia and Frontex Handling the Refugee Crisis?

Ismail Kamberi


Ismail Kamberi In 2015, EU member states deployed police units to North Macedonia’s border with Greece to assist in handling the refugee crisis. The cooperation has been effective but has lacked transparency. The so-called “Balkan Route” has been one of the main...

Double political standards in compliance with epidemiological measures in Croatia

Tina Hrubi


Tina Hrubi Parliamentary elections were held in Croatia, on July 5, 2020, in the throes of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Although voters were encouraged to vote, turnout has never been lower. What particularly caught the public’s eye in regards to politicians on...

Vulnerable communities are most affected by COVID-19

Jona Koprencka


Jona Koprencka Society’s vulnerable groups are the ones who are hit the hardest by disasters and measures taken to counter them. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown, as it has countless times before, that the Roma community in Albania is the most vulnerable and most...

COVID-19 and Kosovo: a triple crisis

Edison Jakurti


Edison Jakurti While most countries in the world have faced a two-fold crisis in terms of their health and economy, Kosovo has been going through a threefold crisis, due to political developments. If we are to use a single adjective to describe the economic crisis...

COVID-19 in Kosovo: one virus and two Prime Ministers

Isak Vorgucic


Isak Vorgucic Less than a month after the easing of restrictive measures, Kosovo is facing a sharp increase in the incidence of coronavirus cases, which is no obstacle for political opponents to deal less with the health and well-being of citizens, and more with the...

COVID-19 in Albania: Democratic Governance Put to the Test

Alban Dafa, Redion Qirjazi


Alban Dafa, Redion Qirjazi COVID-19 was met with a quick response by the Albanian government, yet, it presented opportunities for the Executive to expand its power by sidelining criticism, dominating public perception, disrupting institutional checks and balances, and...

COVID-19 in Serbia: Elections More Important than Public Health

Igor Todorovic


Igor Todorovic Serbia’s state leadership, including a group of MDs who are in the forefront in the fight against the spread of the corona virus, to say the least, ignored the deterioration of the situation until the voting was over. To understand the actions of...

COVID-19 in B&H: Games without borders

Mersiha Drinjakovic


Mersiha Drinjaković How did Bosnia and Herzegovina cope and how is it still coping with the crisis caused by the pandemic? Why didn’t we have a singular state-level crisis headquarters? How were the scandals produced, caused by irregularities and abuse of the...