KAIROS: Media and Communications Review is an open-access journal and platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas of teachers, academics, researchers, students, and other professionals who want to share their knowledge on a particular topic with their peers and the public. IMCRL is intended for social scientists, media experts, researchers, students, and academics as well as teaching staff.
Aims and scope
The International Media and Communication Review Journal aims to be an academics ‘and practitioners’ forum in the following areas:
- New media, digital technologies, data, visual texts, and news;
- media literacy connected to specific forms of communication, such as media art, games, and learning, social media, and transmedia;
- different perspectives provided by digital storytelling, youth media, civic engagement, and critical pedagogy;
- questions of policy, history, assessment, and evaluation;
- as well as topics related to popular culture, global media, teacher education, and identity, education sciences: education management, education technologies, education innovation, research in education.
Apart from these areas, other interesting articles and contributions offering new perspectives and solutions relevant to media education, critical thinking, and media literacy are welcome and will be considered for publication in the journal.
The Journal attaches special importance to publishing the professional achievements of colleagues who focus on studies and presentations in pedagogical innovations and best practices in this field.
Peer review
All articles are double-blind reviewed. Internationally renowned experts from the academic, research and business world are involved in the process of anonymous double-blind reviews as members of the international editorial board. The purpose of this is to offer authors an opportunity to improve their texts using anonymous reviews in accordance with the best academic and research standards. The reviewers are not institutionally affiliated with the author of the article submitted for publication.
Article-processing charges
There are no article processing and submission charges for this journal.
Copyright and licensing
This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). The authors retain rights under the CC BY-NC 4.0. Authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to the Institute of Communication Studies. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article to the widest possible readership.
KAIROS is indexed in:
Sources of Support
The IMCRJ is published within the media literacy project YouThink, implemented by IREX together with the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM), the Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) and the Youth Educational Forum (YEF). YouThink activities are made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).