
Sonja Kramarska

Sonia Kramarska is a journalist, author of several publications, and former editor-in-chief of "Utrinski Vesnik" and the NovaTV portal. In her career, she has been awarded the journalist of the year award and the highest award, "Mito Hadjivasilev Jasmin.” She has spent one academic year at the University of Oklahoma in the USA as part of the professional development program. She also worked as an adviser on political issues and communications to the former Minister of Defense, Radmila Shekerinska.

Will government salaries “survive” the crisis?

Sonja Kramarska


Minister Bujar Osmani said that his salary is important to him because he makes his living from the salary...

Macedonian citizens sandwiched between poverty and government propaganda

Sonja Kramarska


The statement of Vice Prime Minister Bitici confirmed what we all already knew - since the prices in the EU and other countries are galloping, they are going haywire in...