
ResPublica | Иницијатива за дигитално граѓанство

One step forward, two steps back: Albania’s Green Deal in the spotlight

Alice Taylor


Albania often touts that some 98% of its home-produced energy is green. Of course, this is something to be proud of, but like many things in the Western Balkans, there is much more to the story, and it is not necessarily indicative of Albania’s green...

MONTENEGRO AND THE GREEN AGENDА: On the verge of superficial changes

Andrea Perišić


There are many legal indicators of how far away is Montenegro from meeting the goals of the Green Agenda. But the practice shows best how was this initiative, actually,...

Jelen: In post-truth, one does not argue with facts, but with personal emotions and beliefs


Во своето излагање во Скопје, Аленка Јелен го опфати аспектот на предизвикот – како можеме да ги сочуваме демократските вредности, етичките...

Red card for the Green agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Minel Abaz


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has around 2,000 illegal dumpsites of municipal waste that occupy about 1 million m2 of the area of ​​this entity. The share of the pharmaceutical waste in this regard is 20%, chemical waste is 23% and infectious waste 55%....

The Green Agenda is alive and well, but it’s getting lost in the political fog

Sonja Kramarska


Macedonia has more than 20 environmental laws and 400 by-laws – an impressive number but also one that shows the need for hyperproduction of regulations to cover up the lack of interest in progress in this area. The Green Agenda is conquering the world in a big way,...

What happened to the Green Agenda in Serbia?

Dalibor Stupar


Will the improvement in Serbia happen only after we resolve the dilemma of whether we should erect a monument to the Chetnik leader and quisling Dragoljub Draža Mihailović in the center of Belgrade and at the same time evict Tito from the House of Flowers? The...

albania green deal naslovna
One step forward, two steps back: Albania’s Green Deal in the spotlight

Alice Taylor


Albania often touts that some 98% of its home-produced energy is green. Of course, this is something to be proud of, but like many things in the Western Balkans, there is much more to the story, and it is not necessarily indicative of Albania’s green...

ЦРНА ГОРА И ЗЕЛЕНАТА АГЕНДА: И понатаму на браникот на површни промени
MONTENEGRO AND THE GREEN AGENDА: On the verge of superficial changes

Andrea Perišić


There are many legal indicators of how far away is Montenegro from meeting the goals of the Green Agenda. But the practice shows best how was this initiative, actually,...

crven karton za zelenata agenda vo bih naslovna
Red card for the Green agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Minel Abaz


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has around 2,000 illegal dumpsites of municipal waste that occupy about 1 million m2 of the area of ​​this entity. The share of the pharmaceutical waste in this regard is 20%, chemical waste is 23% and infectious waste 55%....

Зелената агенда е жива, но се губи во политичката магла
The Green Agenda is alive and well, but it’s getting lost in the political fog

Sonja Kramarska


Macedonia has more than 20 environmental laws and 400 by-laws – an impressive number but also one that shows the need for hyperproduction of regulations to cover up the lack of interest in progress in this area. The Green Agenda is conquering the world in a big way,...

Што се случи со Зелената агенда во Србија?
What happened to the Green Agenda in Serbia?

Dalibor Stupar


Will the improvement in Serbia happen only after we resolve the dilemma of whether we should erect a monument to the Chetnik leader and quisling Dragoljub Draža Mihailović in the center of Belgrade and at the same time evict Tito from the House of Flowers? The...

Сон кој никако да се оствари: Подемот на анти-ЕУ наративите во медиумите во Албанија
A Dream Deferred: The rise of anti-EU narratives in the Albanian media landscape

Barbara Halla


The benefits of being a candidate country are not clear, or at least they are not quite trickling down to the Albanian population at large. This leaves a gap, a gap easily filled by conspiracy theorists who are more than ready to use their platforms to undermine the...

Volume 3 | No 2 | December 2024


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