Volume 3 | No 1 | June 2024
ISSN: 2955-1927
Kairos – Journal of Media and Communications Review was launched in 2022 by the Institute of Communication Studies from Skopje, Macedonia. Kairos is an open-access journal and a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between teachers, academics, researchers, students, and other professionals in the field of media and communications. The journal is intended for the academic and professional public who wants to discuss innovative ideas and practices, as well as case studies in the field.
The journal is devoted to addressing contemporary issues and future developments related to interdisciplinary academic discussion, the results of empirical research, and the mutual interaction of expertise in media and information studies, media education as well as their sociological, psychological, political, linguistic, and technological aspects.
Apart from these areas, other interesting articles and contributions offering new perspectives and solutions relevant to media, communications, education, strategic management, and business, are welcome and will be considered for publication in the journal.
All articles are double-blind reviewed. Internationally renowned experts from the academic and research community are involved in the process of anonymous double-blind reviews. Thus, the journal offers authors an opportunity to improve their texts using anonymous reviews in accordance with the best academic and research standards.
The journal is published as part of USAID’s Media Literacy Project YouThink. It is a five-year USAID-funded program that works with youth to help them navigate and shape an information ecosystem that informs and engages rather than divides and polarizes. The project is implemented by IREX, the Macedonian Institute for Media, the Institute of Communication Studies, and the Youth Educational Forum.