
Tales from the Region

COVID-19 in Serbia: Elections More Important than Public Health

Игор Тодоровиќ


Igor Todorovic Serbia’s state leadership, including a group of MDs who are in the forefront in the fight against the spread of the corona virus, to say the least, ignored the deterioration of the situation until the voting was over. To understand the actions of...

COVID-19 in B&H: Games without borders

Мерсиха Дрињаковиќ


Mersiha Drinjaković How did Bosnia and Herzegovina cope and how is it still coping with the crisis caused by the pandemic? Why didn’t we have a singular state-level crisis headquarters? How were the scandals produced, caused by irregularities and abuse of the...

Has Montenegro truly defeated COVID-19?

Ксенија Миловиќ


Ksenija Milovic On June 2nd, Montenegro declared the end of the epidemic. Coming out of the first wave, the country’s balance was the following: 324 infected and 9 deceased. Now Montenegro is facing economic challenges and there is great uncertainty regarding the...

Macedonia and COVID-19: The Long-Necked Monster

Анастас Вангели


Anastas Vangeli The trend of putting up walls between states and the shaky confidence in the multilateral order suggests that the pandemic, instead of being resolved as a global crisis, will continue to be resolved as a national crisis in each country of the world....