
Daniela Vukcevic

Daniela Vukcevic is a graduate of journalism and communication at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade. She has more than 10 year professional experience in Montenegrin national and regional media, print and electronic, specializing in economics and finance. Author of several research papers in the field of media.

Why Kosovo’s cities are going green

Fjollë Caka


Kosovo generates 88% of its energy through the Kosova A and Kosova B power plants, which also rank among the top of Europe’s...

Cities and climate-resilience in Kosovo

Fjollë Caka


Dealing with many crises at the same time, cities nowadays have to better plan for disaster reduction and response and invest in resiliency...

Montenegro’s vaccination adventure: Lord, bless us with good health

Daniela Vukcevic


Daniela Vukcevic Back in the day, the mega-popular regional star Lepa Brena sang the lyrics “Bless us, Lord, with health and joy” (“Daj, Bože, zdravlja i radosti”) in one of her songs. Although this hit is now over three decades old, the refrain is...