

This year was an economic bust for Montenegro

Милош Кривокапич


Milos Krivokapic Inadequate measures of the Government of Montenegro led to a 138 million euro decrease in deposits in the period from February to April, mostly affecting private companies, whose liquidity was put on the line, and it also led to another 5,000 people...

The Bulgarian response to the pandemic: Throwing money away

Мила Кисјова


Mila Kisjova It appears that the country is coping well with the pandemic, the reality, however, is much scarier. The general perception is that Bulgaria has put up solid resistance to the coronavirus from a health perspective. However, the same cannot be said of the...

The salvation of the Croatian economy does not lie in the EU, but in fundamentally reforming the entire system

Николина Леднички


Nikolina Lednicki It’s time for drastic changes. Croatia was well on its way to full recovery from the 2008 financial crisis, which severely shook the economy and caused a wave of layoffs and considerable emigration of young workers. In the meantime, the country...

When healthcare is bad, the economy also suffers

Бранимир Јовановиќ


Branimir Jovanovic Public health and the economy go hand in hand during a pandemic, so the best way to help the economy in the current crisis is to introduce adequate restrictions to control the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic gave rise to the biggest economic crisis...