

Monitoring and data – the only approach for proper management of water resources

Славен Цоневски, Тодор Цоневски и Светислав Крстиќ


Prof. Slaven Conevski, Todor Conevski, Prof. Svetislav Krstiq Ph.D. It is not possible to calculate exactly the proper utilization and capacities of the water resources in the country due to the lack of continuous hydrological measurements and monitoring of the...

The economic price of rigorous measures in BiH

Данијал Хаџовиќ (Danijal Hadzovic)


Danijal Hadzovic This pandemic might be a chance to implement more profound economic reforms that are much needed for the country, and for which the crisis could be a great opportunity. Bosnia and Herzegovina initially decided to fight the coronavirus by introducing...

Hard times for Albania

Орнела Липери


Ornela Liperi Economic recovery won’t be as easy as expected. Every day there is a traffic jam to enter in Tirana, Albania’s capital. Streets are overcrowded with people running for their daily jobs nor activities. Coffee shops are full almost all the time. There...

Politicians in Kosovo are being obstinate, citizens are suffering

Лирим Гаши


Lirim Gashi Citizens and the economy are the victims of political wars in Kosovo. It is already obvious that the pandemic has not only impacted our health, but has also severely impacted the economy. No state economy around the world is left unaffected by the isolation...

Invisible in the fight against an invisible enemy

Стефан Мариќ


Stefan Maric Self-employed persons, workers in precarious employment or in the “shadow economy”, as well as the most socially underprivileged households, are largely left alone again, twisting in the wind. Despite the “economic optimism” of the...