
Kristijan Fidanovski

Kristijan Fidanovski holds a PhD in Social Policy from Oxford University, where he studies policies to stimulate the birth rate in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Christian holds a master's degree in political science and Eastern European studies from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and a bachelor's degree in the same field from University College London (UCL). In addition to birth rates, his primary research focus is on party systems, European integration processes, and conspiracy theories. He has published academic papers and journalistic texts in Macedonian, English and Italian for dozens of domestic and international publications.

Four potential obstacles for further political rise of Dimitar Apasiev and the Left (Levica)

Kristijan Fidanovski


Kristijan Fidanovski The Left Party has been on the rise at least since the name change referendum in 2018. However, in the long run, this rise may be jeopardized by personnel and geographical constraints, ideological eclecticism, Euroscepticism and the low coalition...