
Lyudmil Iliev

Lyudmil Iliev is a political scientist by education and works as a journalist in the Bulgarian newspaper "Sega" and the website Segabg. As a reporter, he covers Bulgarian political life, as well as the activities of the Bulgarian National Assembly and the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A former employee of the ministry's Political Affairs Directorate.

It’s not “family drama.” It’s femicide!

Bojana Jovanovska


In the race for greater readership, the essence of gender-based violence cases is completely ignored, and the victim’s voice is hurled into the...

When failure to act is murder

Bojana Jovanovska


Impunity for all forms of gender-based violence gives rise to distrust in institutions and encourages repeat violence and its culmination in...

The expectations that Sofia will unblock the Macedonian European integration are unrealistic

Lyudmil Iliev


Ljudmil Iliev While Skopje hopes that the upcoming elections in Bulgaria are one of the reasons for the firm stance of the government of Bojko Borisov, if you look deeper, the outcome of the elections in Bulgaria in any option will not soften the position of Sofia in...