

Why is it taking so long for the pandemic to end in Macedonia?

Харис Бабачиќ


Haris Babačić, PhD At the beginning of the pandemic, we estimated that it would probably last for two years. Today, a year and seven months later, I’m wondering if that will be the case with Macedonia. Not because of the lack of mechanisms and means to reach the...

The pandemic is a lesson in caring for others that we have yet to learn

Бранко Прља


Branko Prlja COVID-19 can teach us important life lessons – that respect for other human beings is not shown by dignifying them with a handshake or a pat on the back, but in the essential care of their well-being and health. If that concern involves keeping...

COVID-19 in Serbia: Elections More Important than Public Health

Игор Тодоровиќ


Igor Todorovic Serbia’s state leadership, including a group of MDs who are in the forefront in the fight against the spread of the corona virus, to say the least, ignored the deterioration of the situation until the voting was over. To understand the actions of...

How COVID-19 affects the right to privacy

Лилјана Пецова-Илиеска


МК Liljana Pecova-Ilieska It is crucial to balance security and the safety of the health of the public and the right to privacy of citizens. The proclamation of COVID 19 as a global health pandemic by the World Health Organization, as well as a...