
Tales from the Region

Disinformation in Albania Is an Internal Affair

Барбара Хала


Regardless of flavour and aim, disinformation proliferates across the Albanian media sphere, traditionally broadcast or online. Often it caters to people’s biases and needs, derived from sources they have come to trust. Better media sources, with fact-checked and...

Serbia’s Media Caught Between Putinophilia and the New World Reality

Д-р Динко Грухоњиќ


It is difficult to shake the impression that this cult is on a much higher level than the cult of personality of Aleksandar Vucic...

Disinformation in Montenegro: Propaganda and a hunt for higher earnings

Тамара Цупаќ


The media should not use someone else's torment to get a few more clicks or "shares". Journalists should be especially careful that they put facts and information in the right context when...

Organized crime in Serbia is a state affair

Ана Лалик


For the last ten years or so, Serbia has been experiencing a mutant expansion in the construction industry, a branch that, due to poor regulation and almost no control, is perfect for laundering illegally acquired...

How state-owned ESM spent millions via non-transparent contracting in Macedonia

Влатко Стојановски


While in the first half of 2021, the state-owned joint-stock company for electricity generation AD ESM (“Power Plants of North Macedonia”) concluded 6 contracts in negotiated procedures without publishing an announcement, with a total value of 9 million euros, in...

Drugs, crime, murders: The fall of Montenegro’s crime rings

Иван Чаденовиќ


Ivan Čadjenović Crime rings continue to smuggle and sell cocaine from Latin America to Europe, despite the consequences of the bloody war and the cracking of the encrypted application “Sky”. Has the “Sky” app ended the clan war?   Milan Radulović (51),...

Corruption in agriculture

Фитим Гаши


Fitim Gashi “He who sows shall reap” – is an expression that means – if you plant the seeds, you will be able to enjoy the harvest later on. But many public officials and officials in Kosovo are harvesting without sowing, by being involved in a...

Tirana: A city scarred by money laundering

Алис Тејлор


Alice Taylor The march of the diggers, cranes, and cement mixers continues while Albanians find themselves driven out of the city. Those that remain, witness the destruction of historical monuments, playgrounds, and open areas and are powerless to prevent it.  ...

Awaiting the magic wand that will end the pandemic

Ивор Фука


Ivor Fuka At the hospital, we meet 53-year-old patient Aleksandar. He openly told the camera that they discovered large clots in his lungs and that now the doctors are not letting him out of bed in the respiratory department. Prior to this, he says, he had no health...

Government and citizens in Montenegro: Turning a deaf ear to warnings, measures and responsibility

Андреа Перишиќ


Andrea Jelić The decisions made by the former government were, as it turned out, poor. The responsibility of the new government is best illustrated by the fact that its representatives do not care about the recommendations they make themselves. Citizens, as usual, pay...