
Tales from the Region

First-wave champion Greece stumbles at vaccine roll-out

Јеоргија Наку


Georgia Nakou It is perhaps because of the euphoria brought by tourism – both the ability of Greeks themselves to enjoy a holiday, and the positive impact on the national economy – that the general public has been willing to tolerate daily case numbers...

Serbia’s road to collective immunity: Some will live to tell the story

Денис Колунџија


Denis Kolundzija The enthusiasm in the first months of this year regarding the mass vaccination in Serbia was so high that in March, the country was ranked highest in Europe in terms of the number of fully vaccinated people per million inhabitants. Eight months later,...

Tear gas instead of vaccines

Билјана Жикиќ


Biljana Žikić With only 48% of the population vaccinated, the impermissible missteps of the expert COVID-19 staff and with mass anti-vaccination protests, it is obvious that the vaccination campaign in Slovenia was extremely unsuccessful. Instead of persuading as...

Why is it taking so long for the pandemic to end in Macedonia?

Харис Бабачиќ


Haris Babačić, PhD At the beginning of the pandemic, we estimated that it would probably last for two years. Today, a year and seven months later, I’m wondering if that will be the case with Macedonia. Not because of the lack of mechanisms and means to reach the...

Beyond Conspiracy Theories: How Mismanagement Shaped the Vaccination in Albania

Барбара Хала


Barbara Halla While June had seemed like the moment Albania had turned the corner, with infection rates dropping in the single digits, by the end of July (after a record number of visitors had entered Albania, surpassing pre-pandemic numbers), the tide had turned. In...

The lack of vaccines led to panic in B&H, yet now they are going to waste

Младен Обреновиќ


Mladen Obrenović With considerable lack of trust and a strong influence of opponents to vaccination, but also the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina was quite late to start mass immunization, the percentage of vaccinated citizens is extremely low. The latest data...

Fighting fake news is a “to be or not to be” battle!

Теофил Блажевски


Teofil Blazevski The fight against fake news and misinformation is much harder than all internationally undertaken and locally implemented or created measures and activities. It is a complex process in which neither media, institutionsor civil society organizations,...

“Rakija, garlic and lemon”: How fake news endangered human lives in Albania

Нертила Махо


Nertila Maho The real problem were the unscientific and unfounded claims that began to circulate during the first months of the pandemic, on most of the websites. You could easily find “news” about how COVID-19 could be treated at home with raki (a typical Albanian...

Who lied and how about Covid-19 in Serbia?

Иван Суботиќ


Ivan Subotić At one point one could read in the media that Tylol hot (powder with paracetamol used to treat colds) in combination with rakia, is effective treatment against Covid 19, although the combination of alcohol and paracetamol can be quite dangerous. Which of...

How the Croatian government helped the spread of the “plandemic”

Ивор Фука


Ivor Fuka Clearly, whichever way we slice it, we will be fighting fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories for a long time to come. Have we already mentioned that politicians are some of the biggest propagators of misinformation? Well, now we have!...