Critical Thinking – A Significant Factor for Identifying and Dealing with Student Misinformation
Volume 2 | No 1 | March 2023
Maja Mitevska-Poceva
OOU “Braka Miladinovci” | Probistip, North MacedoniaUDC: 316.654:613.2-053.6(479) | 316.472.47:613.2-053.6(479)
Information technology advances have changed how users search for and use information. Technology development creates opportunities and threats to how we perceive information, politics, and relationships. The media’s influence on a person’s development is of great importance. Given that children and young people are in contact with the media from an early age, the need for them to be media literate is clear. The younger generations must become familiar with media literacy from an early age because the media are part of our everyday reality. It is necessary for smooth functioning in all spheres of society. Media literacy should be represented in all levels of formal education, given special attention, and offered systemic solutions to create well-informed and media-literate citizens. It is important because it contributes to developing and applying critical thinking skills, understanding how media messages influence society and shape our culture, recognizing misinformation, and preserving citizens’ rights. Through this study, we will try to get a clear picture of what extent is the development and application of media literacy among the youngest students, which methods should be taken to raise awareness, with which we will strive to influence the creation of media literate persons who further in life they will be able to recognize fake news or disinformation independently and will successfully deal with them.
Keywords: information, media, media literacy, education