

Critical teaching of business modeling empowers youth for social transformation

Karolina Babic

Pedja Ashanin Gole


New generations cannot change the world if teachers only give students models for re-printing businesses and social projects and therefore reproduce the existing social...

Little Ambla and the big message she carries

Ivan Durgutov


If human rights and the treatment of marginalized citizens are a test of the civilizational achievement of some community, the little girl that is small in age but large in spirit, Ambla, once again proved to us that we, as a society, fail when we need to show...

Media and information literacy: The antidote to lies and propaganda

Dorentina Hysa


The blog is published as part of the international symposium “Keeping up the Pace: Media Literacy Education in an Accelerating Age” organized by the Institute of Communication Studies on February 3 – 4, 2022. Register to follow the event on this link. Dorentina...

Universities in Macedonia and their Role in Creating a Sustainable Civil Society


Artan Limani, Cassie L. Barnhardt, Jeff Lai, and Solomon Fenton-Miller At present, few projects or initiatives in Macedonia have focused on how universities prepare students for social responsibility and citizenship. University education is a...

The problems of blended learning are many, and most of them are unsolvable!

Branko Prlja


Branko Prlja Yes, I respect education, and I want my children to go to school, but at what cost!? In recent months, the media have been at odds in regards to when classes should start in the new school year. Physical attendance in schools includes too many factors that...

The problems of blended learning are many, and most of them are unsolvable!

Branko Prlja


Branko Prlja Yes, I respect education, and I want my children to go to school, but at what cost!? In recent months, the media have been at odds in regards to when classes should start in the new school year. Physical attendance in schools includes too many factors that...