

More greenery, less concrete

Edina Secerovic


A particular problem arises in the period between November and March, which is the height of the heating season because solid fuels are still used a lot for this...

A chernobyl scenario is threatening pljevlja

Andrea Perišić


Decades-long environmental problems in Pljevlja, Montenegro, have led to mass emigration of part of the population, and those who have decided to stay in this city are facing health...

Struggle for water in Albania: Protected rivers under threat

Alice Taylor


On Saturday, 27 May, a group of local residents of the Shushica River valley, along with activists and citizens from Vlora and the Vjosa area, deposited a large water pipe outside the office of Prime Minister Edi...

Kolašin and Mojkovac: the cities of possibilities are destroyed by backward physical plans

Andrea Perišić


Both Kolašin and Mojkovac are graced by nature of unimaginable beauty. These are small towns, to which the surrounding mountains of Bjelasica and Sinjajevina offer an entire range of development opportunities, in a clean and ecological...

Urban Inferno: Fear and Loathing of Urban Greenspaces

Denis Kolundzija


The fact that the last 50 years have seen a temperature rise of 0.5 degrees per year, as indicated by the measuring stations outside the cities, and such a trend is also recorded in the cities, has minimal impact on those in charge of urban development...

Gacko: If a place is small, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy

Milanka Kovacevic


For residents of large cities in the region, the quality of life is declining. Reduction of green areas, illegal construction, overcrowding, and traffic congestion are part of everyday...

Cities and climate-resilience in Kosovo

Fjollë Caka


Dealing with many crises at the same time, cities nowadays have to better plan for disaster reduction and response and invest in resiliency...

Albania’s green ambitions – Something of a mixed bag

Alice Taylor


While progress is something of a mixed bag, there are definitely improvements over the last few...

Water utility companies in North Macedonia: challenges and performance improvement


Dr. Eng. Mohamed Sameh Only 15% of the country is covered with mechanical and biological wastewater treatment plants and major cities continue to discharge untreated wastewater directly into the environment. Тhe country continues to have some of the lowest water...

Macedonia is too small for the big appetites of the mining business


Liljana Popovska The country should always start with the public interest, and that is provision of a healthy and quality life for the citizens. All other activities and actions should be in function of this premise. Therefore, the mining can be developed only at...