

Will government salaries “survive” the crisis?

Sonja Kramarska


Minister Bujar Osmani said that his salary is important to him because he makes his living from the salary...

Montenegro: Stopping inflation on a voluntary basis

Zoran Radulović


The government boasts of the highest GDP growth in Europe, hiding that this growth is much more due to the unfortunate people coming from the eastern part of Europe than to its economic...

The “Maldives of Europe” is sinking in a currency crisis

Alice Taylor


This summer saw the value of the euro fall to historic lows against the local currency, the lek, a big issue for Albania businesses that do business in Europe, or those getting paid in euro, but having to pay salaries and bills in...

Kolašin and Mojkovac: the cities of possibilities are destroyed by backward physical plans

Andrea Perišić


Both Kolašin and Mojkovac are graced by nature of unimaginable beauty. These are small towns, to which the surrounding mountains of Bjelasica and Sinjajevina offer an entire range of development opportunities, in a clean and ecological...

Urban Inferno: Fear and Loathing of Urban Greenspaces

Denis Kolundzija


The fact that the last 50 years have seen a temperature rise of 0.5 degrees per year, as indicated by the measuring stations outside the cities, and such a trend is also recorded in the cities, has minimal impact on those in charge of urban development...

Gacko: If a place is small, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy

Milanka Kovacevic


For residents of large cities in the region, the quality of life is declining. Reduction of green areas, illegal construction, overcrowding, and traffic congestion are part of everyday...

Cities and climate-resilience in Kosovo

Fjollë Caka


Dealing with many crises at the same time, cities nowadays have to better plan for disaster reduction and response and invest in resiliency...

Albania’s green ambitions – Something of a mixed bag

Alice Taylor


While progress is something of a mixed bag, there are definitely improvements over the last few...

The attitude of the citizens of Serbia towards the EU in the jaws of anti-Western sentiment

Denis Kolundzija


If a referendum on Serbia's entry into the European Union were held today, 43 percent of citizens would answer "yes,” 33 percent would be against it, while one in ten does not know what to answer. Fourteen years earlier, support for Serbia's membership in the EU...

Montenegro’s road to the EU is paved with disinformation

Tamara Cupać


Montenegro officially started negotiations with the European Union (EU) on June 29, 2012. On its path to integration, like the rest of Europe and the world, it was not and is not resistant to the power of propaganda, disinformation, and fake...