

COVID-19 in Albania: Democratic Governance Put to the Test

Alban Dafa, Redion Qirjazi


Alban Dafa, Redion Qirjazi COVID-19 was met with a quick response by the Albanian government, yet, it presented opportunities for the Executive to expand its power by sidelining criticism, dominating public perception, disrupting institutional checks and balances, and...

COVID-19 in Serbia: Elections More Important than Public Health

Igor Todorovic


Igor Todorovic Serbia’s state leadership, including a group of MDs who are in the forefront in the fight against the spread of the corona virus, to say the least, ignored the deterioration of the situation until the voting was over. To understand the actions of...

COVID-19 in B&H: Games without borders

Mersiha Drinjakovic


Mersiha Drinjaković How did Bosnia and Herzegovina cope and how is it still coping with the crisis caused by the pandemic? Why didn’t we have a singular state-level crisis headquarters? How were the scandals produced, caused by irregularities and abuse of the...

What is the cost to the Balkans from the prematurely relaxed COVID-19 measures?


The number of people infected with COVID-19 in all Balkan countries is increasing. Part of the public accuses the authorities in Serbia and Macedonia of prematurely relaxing the preventive measures by flirting with the electorate in the run-up to the elections in both...

Has Montenegro truly defeated COVID-19?

Ksenija Milovic


Ksenija Milovic On June 2nd, Montenegro declared the end of the epidemic. Coming out of the first wave, the country’s balance was the following: 324 infected and 9 deceased. Now Montenegro is facing economic challenges and there is great uncertainty regarding the...

Macedonia and COVID-19: The Long-Necked Monster


Anastas Vangeli The trend of putting up walls between states and the shaky confidence in the multilateral order suggests that the pandemic, instead of being resolved as a global crisis, will continue to be resolved as a national crisis in each country of the world....

Albania’s Painstaking Reforms

Alfonc Rakaj


МК  SRB  ALB  Alfonc Rakaj Albania’s implementation of key reforms has reached a critical juncture just as the country muddles through the end of the pandemic measures. The stakes are high as reforms include key court decisions that...

Welcome to the “new normal”

Sabin Selimi


МК  ALB Sabin Selimi Once the pandemic crisis is over, expect the state to return with more power and legitimacy. Imagine the following scenario for a moment: An outbreak of a novel coronavirus transmitted from an unknown source to people eventually becomes...

The dwindling role of the EU in the world

Sabin Selimi


Sabin Selimi MKD ALB If member states cannot rely on one another in coordinating efforts to fight the spread of the disease, how would the EU respond in case of a crisis even more devastating than the current pandemic? The hardest blow to the EU as a global player were...

Western Balkans’ Euro-Atlantic perspective revived


МК Alfonc Rakaj & Leonie Rakaj-Vrugtman Solidarity is the only way to overcome this crisis. Western Balkan’s European integration perspective was severely challenged at the end of last year, when the European Council was unable to open negotiation talks with...