

The Balkans is far from herd immunity against COVID 19


A group of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina has filed criminal charges against the authorities. They demand responsibility for the vaccine delays and the high number of deaths from the virus. Despite the mass-scale vaccination, Serbia is far from herd immunity with...

Excess of vaccines in Serbia will go to waste. Literally.

Igor Todorovic


Igor Todorovic Serbia is the first country in Europe and the seventh in the world in terms of the full vaccination coverage rate! However, judging by the government’s latest moves, the rates are stagnating. Conflicting statements and actions since the beginning of...

Montenegro’s vaccination adventure: Lord, bless us with good health

Daniela Vukcevic


Daniela Vukcevic Back in the day, the mega-popular regional star Lepa Brena sang the lyrics “Bless us, Lord, with health and joy” (“Daj, Bože, zdravlja i radosti”) in one of her songs. Although this hit is now over three decades old, the refrain is...

Bulgaria’s experience with the EU can be instructive for Macedonia


Svetoslav Terziev It is no secret that the real enemies of Macedonia’s EU membership are nationalists on both sides of the border. The current tension brings them pleasure because it justifies their existence. Regardless of Macedonian politicians’ view of...

Croatian judiciary imposes disgraceful verdicts to protect abusers – especially those in position of power

Bojana Guberac


Bojana Guberac The case of Mara Tomasevic, which was all over the media in recent years, clearly depicts how the Croatian judiciary, despite recent triumphs of civil society, continues to protect perpetrators – especially those in positions of power. However, the...

“Enlargement fatigue” in the EU, empty EU promises fatigue in Macedonia

Sveto Toevski


Sveto Toevski “Resistance to enlargement” is growing in the EU, while in Macedonia there is a growing number of citizens who feel that the EU – instead of creating fair conditions for new enlargement – is moving away from the candidates to join...

(Dis)Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union

Mahir Sijamija


Mahir Sijamija We cannot expect Bosnia and Herzegovina, or any other candidate country, to join the EU until we develop antibodies to the virus of corruption, crime and nationalist policies that still paralyze Western Balkans. History has shown that, over the...

Eight years later: Is Croatia finally truly ready for Europe?

Bojana Guberac


Bojana Guberac Croatia joined the European Union on the first day of July, 2013. Many feared joining the EU for various reasons. One of the reasons for such fears related to what the EU would bring us. Yet, nearly eight years later, I have the impression that it is no...

Greece’s EU journey: Solidarity hard to come by, but two-way approach also lacking

Alexandra Voudouri


Alexandra Voudouri This year Greece will celebrate its 40th anniversary as a member of one of the strongest clubs in the world, the European Union. Greece’s European journey has been quite bumpy and brought the country to the edge of an exit from the Union. Learning...

Some Sad Lessons the Western Balkans Can Learn from Bulgaria’s EU Journey

Radosveta Vassileva


Radosveta Vassileva In 2007, we were so happy and proud to be finally in that mythological space, this pretentious club for the chosen ones known as the EU. Thirteen years after accession, however, this European dream looks more like a nightmare. In the late 1990s and...