

The EU should open its doors to the Balkans as soon as possible

Sabin Selimi


The EU’s most potent foreign policy instrument—the normative pull of membership—has been the best tool in the past....

As war rages in Ukraine, Albanians fight for economic survival

Alice Taylor


While the war in Ukraine continues to rage, for thousands of Albanians it is a continual battle to feed their families and pay their bills. Their protests don’t come from a place of non-compassion, but rather a primal urge to...

The “nuclear” message from Russia to the rest of the world

Alfred Marleku


John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, in a 1993 article in Foreign Affairs journal, argued that giving up nuclear weapons was "unwise" and that "a nuclear Ukraine is necessary to maintain peace between Ukraine and...

Croatia: Тhe brightest backslider caught in a loop

Zorislav Antun Petrović


One should not be overly optimistic because regulations make no sense unless they are implemented, and Croatia has shown time and time again that there is a long way to go from creating to implementing...

Religious tolerance in Macedonia: A familiar but rarely practiced concept

Sonja Stojadinovic


Religious tolerance is built by getting to know others, a clarification that their diversity is not a threat to us or our religious...

Organized crime in Serbia is a state affair


For the last ten years or so, Serbia has been experiencing a mutant expansion in the construction industry, a branch that, due to poor regulation and almost no control, is perfect for laundering illegally acquired...

Little Ambla and the big message she carries

Ivan Durgutov


If human rights and the treatment of marginalized citizens are a test of the civilizational achievement of some community, the little girl that is small in age but large in spirit, Ambla, once again proved to us that we, as a society, fail when we need to show...

How state-owned ESM spent millions via non-transparent contracting in Macedonia


While in the first half of 2021, the state-owned joint-stock company for electricity generation AD ESM (“Power Plants of North Macedonia”) concluded 6 contracts in negotiated procedures without publishing an announcement, with a total value of 9 million euros, in...

Water utility companies in North Macedonia: challenges and performance improvement


Dr. Eng. Mohamed Sameh Only 15% of the country is covered with mechanical and biological wastewater treatment plants and major cities continue to discharge untreated wastewater directly into the environment. Тhe country continues to have some of the lowest water...

Drugs, crime, murders: The fall of Montenegro’s crime rings


Ivan Čadjenović Crime rings continue to smuggle and sell cocaine from Latin America to Europe, despite the consequences of the bloody war and the cracking of the encrypted application “Sky”. Has the “Sky” app ended the clan war?   Milan Radulović (51),...