

Gacko: If a place is small, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy

Milanka Kovacevic


For residents of large cities in the region, the quality of life is declining. Reduction of green areas, illegal construction, overcrowding, and traffic congestion are part of everyday...

Cities and climate-resilience in Kosovo

Fjollë Caka


Dealing with many crises at the same time, cities nowadays have to better plan for disaster reduction and response and invest in resiliency...

Albania’s green ambitions – Something of a mixed bag

Alice Taylor


While progress is something of a mixed bag, there are definitely improvements over the last few...

Women have less and less access to the media in Serbia

Dubravka Valic Nedeljkovic


The significantly higher representation of men as a source of information and as interviewees compared to women is a continuous media practice in Serbia, which has been observed in all conducted analyses and media monitoring activities since 1996 until the latest one...

The disappointment towards the West nurtures anti-democratic sentiments in North Macedonia

Vlora Rechica


Without credible external encouragement from the EU, the lack of trust in the vision of local politicians can play a significant role in weakening democracy in North...

Analysis of the EU’s economic growth plan for the Western Balkans

Stefan Veljanovski


The success of this initiative will hinge on its effective implementation, including the government's ability to undertake necessary reforms and manage the expected influx of funding appropriately to turn them into sustainable economic...

Slovak “peace marches” stirred up pro-Russian sentiment in society

Michaela Ružičková


Marches calling for peace in Ukraine were held in Slovakia during February and early March 2023. Paradoxically, the peace marches served the Kremlin's...

Gender equality is the eternal effigy of the Church

Sonja Stojadinovic


Gender equality that women seek is neither a threat to society nor to the family, but solely to the misogynistic and patriarchal system that has oppressed women for...

The attitude of the citizens of Serbia towards the EU in the jaws of anti-Western sentiment

Denis Kolundzija


If a referendum on Serbia's entry into the European Union were held today, 43 percent of citizens would answer "yes,” 33 percent would be against it, while one in ten does not know what to answer. Fourteen years earlier, support for Serbia's membership in the EU...

Life with cystic fibrosis does not have to be this difficult

Elena Gagovska


Clearly, we cannot eradicate the profit motive overnight, but how can we immediately help CF patients and those with rare...