

INFLATION IN SERBIA – Real price increases and theatrical price reductions

Dalibor Stupar


The citizens of the “economic tiger” will have more expensive heating, fuel, electricity, alcohol, and consumer goods by the end of the...

The “Maldives of Europe” is sinking in a currency crisis

Alice Taylor


This summer saw the value of the euro fall to historic lows against the local currency, the lek, a big issue for Albania businesses that do business in Europe, or those getting paid in euro, but having to pay salaries and bills in...

Macedonian citizens sandwiched between poverty and government propaganda

Sonja Kramarska


The statement of Vice Prime Minister Bitici confirmed what we all already knew - since the prices in the EU and other countries are galloping, they are going haywire in...

Will the new cantonal law on the prevention of corruption in B&H fail?

Edina Secerovic


At the beginning of this month, the Anti-Corruption and Quality Control Office of the Sarajevo Canton launched the check procedure for conflicts of interest for public office holders, after the new Law on Prevention and Suppression of Corruption in the Sarajevo Canton...

Diversity goes hand in hand with inclusiveness

Klementina Dobrevska

Jordanka Cherepnalkova Trajkoska


How thin is the line between the right to express my opinion and the possibility of offending...

Why does the war in Ukraine has the tendency to last for many years?

Alfred Marleku


Wars between countries are some of the main threats that have a transformative impact on the international system and...

Kolašin and Mojkovac: the cities of possibilities are destroyed by backward physical plans

Andrea Perišić


Both Kolašin and Mojkovac are graced by nature of unimaginable beauty. These are small towns, to which the surrounding mountains of Bjelasica and Sinjajevina offer an entire range of development opportunities, in a clean and ecological...

Truth and lies in a world in which they’re difficult to distinguish

Branko Prlja


The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has caused numerous debates, but one thing is certain – it is a powerful tool that has a huge potential to transform...

Women are key for fixing Eastern Europe’s demographic problems (but not for the reason you may think)

Florence Bauer


If only women had more children, a widely held view goes, our demographic worries would fade...

Urban Inferno: Fear and Loathing of Urban Greenspaces

Denis Kolundzija


The fact that the last 50 years have seen a temperature rise of 0.5 degrees per year, as indicated by the measuring stations outside the cities, and such a trend is also recorded in the cities, has minimal impact on those in charge of urban development...